Sunday, July 3, 2011


It's a whole lot sunnier at our house these days, especially since the big old towering white pine came down this week. It was excruciating watching each and every limb fall from our beloved maple and I swore I wouldn't do it again when the pine came down. But there I was, transfixed again. I liked Keith the Tree Guy's gentle but oh so matter of fact way of relating to the tree...Good bye tree, so sorry your geometry was so wrong.

As expected, watching those first limbs fall were pretty difficult.Seeing the swing come down wasn't much easier.
I only wish these photos were accompanied by smell-o-vision. It was like living in a Christmas tree farm.
Here the play-by-play:
And now, some dramatic befores and afters...
From the deck:

And inside from Ken's office:

I can hardly wait to replant.
In the meantime (actually in a year after it mellows) we'll have the most delicious mulch you've ever seen from the grinding of the stumps.
The big open expanse of lawn has spawned all kinds of dreams and plans. Ken would like a screened in porch off the living room and I would like that too but want it to connect to the deck. Ahhhh, so many dreams, so little time...

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