Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hello August

Traffic is congested, parking is scarce and Wegmans is now selling cheap bookcases and area rugs. This can only mean one thing and I refuse to participate in the count down...

Things I've been wondering lately...
  • Is there a gadget that will help me successfully track the location of my phone and keys?
  • Do the lazy days of summer really exist?

This week Lexi and Frank left Tiny Town for the foreseeable future to set up housekeeping in Port Chester just outside NYC. We are anxiously awaiting news of all their adventures so we can vicariously live out our own escape fantasies!!
 There has never been a more proud dad than this one.
 We miss them terribly already.

Though we're in the midst of the worst drought on record the garden is still managing to produce.
Come on over and sit a spell.