Tuesday, October 30, 2012


In true girl scout style, I was prepared for Frankenstorm...
  • Propane filled, water on hand - check, snacks and wine - double check!!
  • Candles, flashlights, batteries and portable radio - set out and ready to go.
  • Laundry and dishes are done ahead of the impending power outage (no power = no water), coolers are in the house, extra ice is in the freezer. We are READY!

Aren't I just the girl scoutiest girl scout you've ever known?

Fortunately for us the big storm never really came. Yeah, we had some big winds and lots of rain, but it was nothing compared to the beating the folks in NYC, NJ and CT received.
In our neck of the woods we are safe and sound.

Note to self for next big storm: FOUND should definitely stock lamp oil and maybe a few generators and cases of bottled water too. Oh, and homemade gluten-free baked goods are not worth the work. Just sayin'...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Time Flying

Why hello there! You're still here I see. Amazing. Since I'm down to about one post a month I half expected to see my humble little page cast out into the sea of abandoned and dormant blogs. It's a little pathetic I know, but about all I can squeak out these days is one post a month. Today I'm home with a cold so there's time to catch you up on the rest of September and October (now almost gone).

It's been one of the prettiest autumns I've seen in a long time...
clear days, beautifully colored leaves and not a ton of rain. 

In early September the campus had a few brave orange trees,

but mostly fall was just getting started.

For much of early September we were still hanging on fast to the freshness of the new school year and the let's hunker down and get to work-ness of it all. Fast forward to early October and all that newness has rubbed off a wee bit. On October 5th we had our first frost. 
It looked an awful lot like winter for the whole day.

And then the sun came out,

 the fog lifted

 and our spirits returned. We are once again in awe of this transition.

Soon the fall will be a thing of the past...
 But's that's okay. There's much to look forward to in winter. I've already started looking forward to our first proper snow, cooking soup on Sundays and gathering recipes for Thanksgiving. Time's flying. All's well here in our neck of the woods.