Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We're a few days away from the next antique flea market with about two weeks worth of work still to do. I've been busy painting furniture and packing up smalls. I'm finished with the outdoor metal furniture and am just about to start on the rest. I hope to finish by tomorrow so everything can be really dry in time to pack the truck on Saturday morning.

Here's what I'm up against...looks just like last time, doesn't it?
Much to my chagrin the bubblewrap and
packing peanuts are still breeding.

A before shot of some of the metal pieces
I love those old metal spring chairs.
When I'm done with this batch, I'm going to
finally paint the lovely old glider on our deck.

Luckily the weather has been pretty nice and the view inspiring.
The pheobes are on their second brood in our
little decorative bird house. As you can see, they've done a little
renovation to the property. They are one of the tiniest birds I know
but they come with an enormous song - so loud, proud and confident.

Yesterday Dr. Jeanne dropped by with Franklin's ashes. I can hardly believe it's been two weeks since his death. I wish time would just slow down. Please. His ashes came in a little white plastic bottle. I couldn't stop holding them next to my heart. We will spread them in his favorite spot in the backyard.

Peter seems to be getting used to occupying the cup alone,
though I think he's not thrilled about it.

His appetite isn't what it used to be and
I think he often looks a little sad and lonely.

Without Franklin to help with the grooming,
his ears and eyes are starting to look a little cruddy.
I wish I could explain what has happened.

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