It's really spring at our house these days and this time it is no April Fools joke! Lilacs, tulips, primrose, bleeding heart and forget-me-nots, Solomon's seal, peonies, trillium and aspargus. So much to take in and enjoy!
As I've mentioned before, Ken and I have been pining away for a grander farm house for quite some time now - one with higher ceilings, wide plank floors and tall windows. We'd love to live in a house with the character and architectural detail still intact despite renovation and modernization.
Today we went to look at this house.

The property has several small out buildings, including a little stone structure that may have been an old smoke house back in the day.
We were definitely smitten with the charm and the character.

The house has almost everything we could ever want except for the right location - it's right on a major road and about 30 minutes from the college. Also, it has no distant views or a barn.
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