On our way into town we were serenaded by the music of ice pellets hitting the windshield. We sometimes hear this same sound on the Weather Channel as a sound track to a forecast of "light wintry mix" (as if we needed to hear what was headed our way). I decide to offer one more possibility for the fluffy stuff falling from the sky , "Maybe it's volcanic ash from Iceland". Ken, still not taking the bait offered "It's NOT snow, it's just thick rain (hrrrrumph)".
Okay uncle, I give up. Time to change the subject...
Now you'll just have to trust me on this one, but at exactly 11:05am this morning it looked like we were having a full blown blizzard.
Then 35 minutes later...tah-dah!
We now return you to our regularly scheduled spring time weather
already in progress...
Then 35 minutes later...tah-dah!
already in progress...
My fixation with finding the ideal practice/teaching space has intensified since I discovered that there's an online community of people who work in their sheds - who knew! There is even a national shed week in the U.K. I believe the celebration takes place in July - guess I'd better get cracking on this project so I can participate.
Today I found more inspiration for my ideal design.
This feature is now on the top of my wish list.
This feature is now on the top of my wish list.
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