Thursday, June 21, 2012

Passing Through

It's been an intense week for us in our little corner of heaven. There's been news of two deaths near and dear to us and a diagnosis of terminal cancer as well. I know this is the stuff of real life but sometimes it just really sucks.

My dad's youngest brother Burton, my Uncle Bucky passed away earlier this week. With his passing I note a transition in my "family status" as relayed to me by my mom. When I called her to tell her the sad news she said "You know, you're the older generation in the family now...not that you're old or anything like that...". This coming from my mom who'll be 81 in August! As we talked more about age and aging I asked her how old she felt on the inside. Her answer - 55! That's how old I'll be in September. Today I find myself once again clinging ferociously to the notion that no matter how old the calendar says I am, time is and will always be...

on my side.

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