Tuesday, November 23, 2010


You be the judge...

Ken and I had an appointment this evening to meet some sweet foster kittens who were ready for adoption. We'd been talking and planning for this since our sweet Franklin died in June. We were looking for a boy kitty with either buff or an orange fur, or so we thought...

As I was washing up the breakfast dishes this morning a little something caught my eye on the front porch. Gee for a minute there I thought I saw a little gray fuzzy thing on one of the rocking chairs.

Hmmmmm. I went to another window to get a better look and snap a quick photo and thought to myself, yep that's a kitten all right and it seems to be right at home.
I went outside to get a better look assuming it would run for the hills as soon as it saw me. Well it did run but not away from me, instead it came running straight at me and climbed right up my leg. I swear I heard it meow "Ma-ma"! I gave it a few crunchies, looked to see if it was a boy or a girl (it's a girl) and then left for my morning appointments. I was sure it would be gone when I returned. Think again. I found her all curled up right where I'd left her. When I returned from my afternoon appointments there she was, this time eager for pets, snuggles and crunchies. I think I heard her meow "About time you came home mom".

This afternoon I canceled our appointment to meet the foster kitties.
We've been adopted.

I put her in the big cat kennel and brought her inside
(it's going down to the 20's tonight). Ken and I had a rousing game of stick with her after dinner. She's a champion player!Tomorrow our vet comes to check her out. So far Peter and Lillie don't seem to have a clue she's here. Hope they like her as much as we do. We're already smitten.

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