Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This is Why

I love my small town. At the annual Newfield Historical Society meeting this evening we heard all about Regiment 137 and its role in the Civil War. I had no idea Newfield was so well represented. I love how proud folks are of Newfield, its regular hometown people and it's heroes. I love knowing that once a year we'll run into the former town justice at this meeting. She's the person who legally married Ken and I in our family room the day before our big wedding celebration. The lecture was fascinating but not nearly as exciting as when the fire alarm went off while we were in the fire hall for the meeting...

This is finals week and as you can see there is a LOT
of studying going on here on campus...
Why even the lawn maintenance crew is off studying somewhere.
Today was the first day of string juries. It was inspiring to hear so many talented young musicians. The schedule was light today and during my midday break I got out for a much needed walk around campus. I normally don't get out much during the day and in case you're wondering what it's like in my building take a look...It was a treat to be outside today on such a glorious spring day. I've never seen the campus looking so lush and green.Tomorrow my students come over for dinner and Thursday we'll hear one more day of juries. Summer officially begins on Friday.

This is why we live here.

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