Sunday, July 11, 2010

Odd...sort of

The day started out in a perfectly lovely and somewhat ordinary way - sunny blue skies, low 80 degree temps, light breeze. Just delightful. But it got weirder and weirder as it went along. First of all it's not every Sunday you go investigating commercial properties (and it's not every commercial real estate broker who will meet you on a Sunday morning at 10am to look at said property!). There will be more on this whole commercial property business at a later time. I promise. Sorry for the tease - I am a tad bit superstitious lately.

After we'd seen all we came to see commercial-property-wise we set out for auction. We were headed to a new auction gallery today and were excited to scope it out. Boy were we in for a surprise! First of all the auction hall is located in a ginormous shopping mall, smack in the middle of suburbia and on top of this there is not even a hint of signage anywhere to let you know where it's located inside the mall. Good thing I eavesdropped on some dealers a few weeks ago who were waxing poetic over this particular auction or I would have never known about it being near or behind a big sporting goods store. Even more fortunate for us - the folks at the sporting goods store knew where to send us!

The auction gallery was un-airconditioned and dusty beyond belief, and there was stuff everywhere. After exchanging glances with Ken that looked something like "get me outta here" we took a seat and ultimately decided to stay. Thankfully the experience worth the drive. A few hours in they finally started in on the costume jewelry. This is a crucial time in an auction for me because it is my one opportunity to get to the ladies room without missing anything I want to bid on. I scurried away and when I returned this was sitting in front of my seat.
This is what sometimes happens when Ken is left to his own devices!
To his credit he only paid $1 for it and I have absolutely no
room to talk because a few minutes later I purchased this beauty...I am such a sucker for vintage religious prints.
The weirder the better as far as I'm concerned...must be my upbringing or something.

So after a successful day of buying we packed the car full, popped open our ginger beers and headed for home. Who knew that on the way home we'd have to stop for a huge peacock determined to cross the street in the middle of suburban Cortland, NY...sadly I was unable to lay hands on my camera or I'd have proof of this odd sighting.

We're home now and the car is finally unpacked. Time for a quick dinner before we head off to hear our favorite live radio show "Bound for Glory". I think I may need a day or two to recover now.

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