Tuesday, August 13, 2013


My favorite TV shows from my childhood - okay, I'll admit it...until I was about 16 - were (in order of importance)
  • Dark Shadows
  • Gilligan's Island
  • Green Acres
I've only just realized that this explains my lifelong fixation with old, creepy abandoned houses, escaping reality, homesteading and back-to-the-land blogs, and living in the country.

So when this house in our neighborhood suddenly sprouted a For Sale By Owner sign
 it prompted the following conversation...

Ken: Sweetie, oh my god, did you see that sign?
Me: Yes, but I'm pretending I didn't and I'm not paying attention to you right now...
Ken: What do you think?
Me: It's the right size but it's a total wreck.
Ken: I know and it has no barn. Maybe we should call anyway.
Me: But it has no view. Okay, maybe we should call just to see what they're asking for it.
Ken: It has good bones, look at those attic windows, it has the original doors!
Me: But it needs everything else.
Ken: Okay, I'll call as soon as we get home!

I've never been able to figure out our utterly impractical fixation with buying an old ginormous house and fixing it up. I mean come on, we're in our fifties now and I just took leave of my job for a year without pay (maybe I've taken leave of my senses as well I don't know). Still every time we see "our house" we pull the car over, take a few pics and talk about what we might do if only...

Can't either one of us shake this kooky idea, so stay tuned. You never know what we might do next.

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