Wednesday, July 14, 2010


On my way to work today I was compelled to stop traffic so I could escort a snapping turtle across the road. Fortunately I was still on the back roads of Newfield and not on the 55 mph highway. Still it was quite a sight, complete with hazard flashers and wild waves at oncoming traffic. The little critter made it across in one piece and so did I. Over the river and through the woods and about one mile further down the road the youngest fawn I've ever seen darted out in front of me. It missed my front bumper by only a few inches. Seems we live in Wild Kingdom these days or perhaps these sightings and events are just signs. Don't know of what. Don't know why I think this. Guess I'll take them as good signs.

It's definitely the scraggily season in the garden now
but the hostas are managing nice blooms despite the dry weather.
The hydrangeas,well they just keep on keepin' on though they are starting to droop a little.At least I'll have these photos to look at after they're gone.
That will be a very sad day for me.

The trumpet vine is just starting to bloom and that means
the hummingbirds now have a secondary source of food
on those days when I forget to make their breakfast.There are cows out in the pasture every day but no sign of any calves yet.
From the look of their swollen bellies I'm betting it'll be any day now.Moo.

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