Friday, July 23, 2010

Lucienne's Fine Foods!

Yesterday our dear friends Terry and Diane (co-owers of the delightful and delicious Lucienne's Fine Foods) opened their coffee counter to the public for the first time ever! Fortunately for us their shop is right on the way to Grassroots (1889 Rte 96 in Jacksonville) so we were able to get there for our daily dose of Gimme coffee,
and stock on concert supplies.I recommend the chipotle chili chocolates.
It's the best dark chocolate I've ever had with a nice
hint of smoky heat at the end!It was fun to see them in action!Check out the silent movie down at the bottom of the post...

Diane and her daughter Helena were there to greet usand so was Terry. Smart looking hat you got there Mr. Kelleher! And very fetching apron I might add too.

Their chocolates and biscotti are so delicious and they go
with almost everything - from Merle Haggard and a dry
un-oaked chardonnay to Mountain Heart and Stonecat catfish.
Thank you for making Grassroots all the more sweet!

Here's Terry in action making ice from scratch...