Sunday, July 18, 2010

Here We Go Again

Honey, stop the car - it's flea market day!As we were approaching the big event I thought I'd post a photo of the huge pile of stuff in the garage and then it hit me - a photo of the garage in July would look exactly like the blog photos from May and June so I decided to spare you. Since the past week was so packed we had only hours to get ourselves ready for the market today. We raced around like utter lunatics for five hours last night and somehow managed to get all packed and ready by midnight. A record! I only managed to prep one box of smalls out of the many I'd purchased at auction this week specifically for this sale. Oh well, there's always next time.

It was another glorious day today. Mid 80's, sunny, dry, breezy. So nice. We set up once again next to our best girl Sandy who provided us with her sweet company and snacks and beverages from her totally amazing cooler.The pleasure was all ours!

In the little lulls between sales we snackedand held on to the tent poles to be sure we stayed earth-bound.We brought some cool stuff to sell and fortunately most of it went home to new owners.

As usual, today's market featured a wide array of objects
ranging from odd games(I always thought it was Truth of Dare...)

to stuffed game.
Mark the biker dude turned antique dealer, came with so many dead animals it creeped me out just to
walk near his table. Fortunately all the rodents and the tree-climbing porcupine were adopted early in the day but not before I could
capture them in all their creepiness on camera.

You gotta wonder what kind of person loves those pesky,
mangy gray squirrels enough to stuff them on decorative
tree bark with a big old nut in their mouth. Gross.

Today's market also brought out the fashion minded and
offered us a clear insight into current trends.
The punk square dancer was a look I'd definitely not seen before.Do-si-do

We saw our share of impressive dreadsand a guy who seemed to be dressed like a pirate
(or at least he sort of looked like a pirate from across the parking lot)He went straight for the mantiques. Arrrrgh.

I don't have the chutzpah yet to start cranking out photos of folks as they're standing right there in front of me so I did what any self-respecting paparazzi would do, I snooped on them from afar with my zoom lens. So satisfying I must say.

In the end, when it was all said and done, we decided
today's day was definitely brought to you by the letter "N".

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