It's Ithaca Festival weekend!
Time to kick back and enjoy the best people watching ever.
There's also great music to take in and delicious treats to eat.
There's also great music to take in and delicious treats to eat.
There's great pride in our tiny town.
You can sport an Ithaca is Gorges trucker hat
You can sport an Ithaca is Gorges trucker hat
while wearing your tie die Ithaca is Gorges tee shirt (a must have)
and enjoying a cup of Gimme coffee.
You can even show your pride by playing Frisbee.
Back to the people watching...
There were some of the cutest kids I've ever seen and
they were taking it all in and having a grand time.
There were some of the cutest kids I've ever seen and
they were taking it all in and having a grand time.
I saw some pretty goofy balloon hats,
There were belly dancers with swords
and a loyal crowd of belly dance gawkers, uh I mean supporters.
Our own Compost Theatre tried to make composting fun.
We noted that the Commons has a fine selection of "gift" shops.
Never too early to think about Christmas shopping...
Never too early to think about Christmas shopping...
Even the police appeared to have a swell time
(though I didn't see them dancing this year).
(though I didn't see them dancing this year).
Wish you all were here to enjoy it with us! Perhaps next year...
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