Okay, so where did summer go? After several glorious sunny days we're back to low clouds, gray skies and steady rain. It's barely going to make it to 55 degrees today. Some folks call this "Ithacating", I call it gross. We finally gave in and turned on the heat since it dipped well into the 40's overnight (now, where did I put the blankets and the heavy socks???). I suppose I shouldn't complain, we could use a little rain, but I could really do without the gloom and the cold.
Despite the weather the peas and beans are up and already sprawling. I've really got to get them trellised before they flounder. Asparagus continues to produce but in diminishing numbers. Peonies are still going strong and poppies are done. Poppies don't last very long. Here they were one week ago...

and yesterday, poof they're all gone!

Lilies are coming on and the feverfew is
about to take over the front bed.

Loosestrife is a sea of yellow.

It's time to clean up a little bit and get ready for
the next wave of high summer blooms
(that is if we ever reach 80 degrees again).

There's a hint of light in the sky til about 9:30pm these days. The fireflies are out and the evening summer sounds are starting to rev up.
Our view at 7:00pm

Same view at 9:30pm

I see a few swollen bellies out in the pasture.
We may see calves soon.


Ken and I are hard at work on our online listings today, trying courageously to make it through the vast amount of stuff we've bought recently. We're getting there. Peter and Lillie are settling into life without their Franklin. I even caught them snuggling yesterday.

Life is starting to return to normal again.
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