We left at 6:30 this morning for Medford, NJ hoping to make it there in time for lunch with Ken's dad Howard. Stop and go traffic on the Schuykill (with the emphasis on stop) meant we actually made it there well after lunch. We had a lovely visit but sadly, too short. Howard is in his nineties now and truth be told, I'll be glad to be half as spry as he is when I'm his age. He's a handsome man with amazing character in his face and hands.

I can't get enough of his smile.My new camera arrived in the mail yesterday and I've been celebrating continuously ever since, complete with annoying happy dance (just ask Ken...). I am thrilled to have it and have been enjoying all it's many upgraded features. It does almost everything except make my morning coffee. Suddenly I am even more fascinated with detail captured by the macro setting and the telephoto lens. For instance...
Here's some interesting trash along the Schuykill,
a bumper sticker on a big old truck chock full of pigs
the Ben Franklin Bridge in Philly,
We made it to our hotel room in Columbia, MD around 6:30pm and immediately scoped out dinner possibilities. Fortunately there was a nice Mexican restaurant within walking distance which meant we could stretch our legs a little bit and drink a margarita the size of our heads. It is lovely here. Warm, humid and very southern. I am suddenly reminded of those sultry Memphis summer evenings. Tomorrow we'll see what adventures await us in Baltimore!
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