It's the first day of September and summer is quickly melting away.
It's Virgo time.
I love the transition into Fall. That feeling of newness that I had at the start of the school year is still in me. I'm enjoying the awareness of it even though it's not a vital part of my life any more. I think I'll declare this day a great big fresh start, full of so many possibilities,
anticipation and excitement. Time to settle in, get serious and get some
real learning done.

We are home from a big buying trip and the journey was fruitful on all accounts. We learned so much, labored mightily loading and unloading, and had a ton of fun. As always though, it good to be home.
I love car trips. They are often some of my favorite times spent with K. Held captive in the car, we often work out long term plans and bounce all kinds of wacky business ideas off each other.
It feels and smells like Fall in our little corner of the world and my body knows this season better than any. Time to hunker down and close ranks a a wee little bit.
Time to get to work. Time to switch out the menu, get a chicken roasting and make a pot of strong black tea. It is Labor Day and there is work to do.
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