This month we ate our pantry down to the nubs by running out of meat, eggs, cheese and nuts before I could get to Wegmans. Running out of the first three things on the list isn't a big deal, but running out of nuts? That's tantamount to running out of gas on a busy highway with no place to pull over. It meant I had no crunchy snacks and nothing to satisfy the need for something salty and quick.
In the face of such trauma I did what I've done before. I went foraging. And then, there they were. Those neatly packaged little treats with the word chocolate and crunch in the title. Those "I'm not so bad for you really" cookies put out by Medifast that a well meaning friend shoved in my pocket at the July FLEA. I should've thrown 'em out immediately or at least tried to pawn them off on someone else, but NO, I kept them and of course I remembered exactly where they were when I felt desperate for a snack and just couldn't stand the sight, taste or mouth-feel of more meat and greens. "Thirteen carbs, that's all", I told myself. "It won't matter in the long run" and "I've been so good for so long" I whined to Ken. And then I remembered those deviled eggs in the frig and suddenly I was ok again.
If only willpower burned calories. If only.
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