Friday, September 5, 2014


I really should be working but it is the day after a loooooooong day on the concrete floor at FOUND and truth be told, I'm beat.

Taking a day off is one of the hardest things for me to do now that I'm self-employed, especially since the "I really should be practicing" tape has been replaced by the "I really should be painting, fixing, listing, tagging or something productive to move the business forward" loop. And what an earworm this is.

So instead of finishing up the listings I started, here I am scrolling through photos to post, thinking about the things I'm grateful for and sipping the best iced coffee ever. I've gotta say, I am immensely grateful for this life of mine, even though sometimes I feel held hostage by my own Virgo-ness. Think I'll give in, chalk it all up to astrology and maybe take Pippa's lead and go for a nap.

But first, here's day four of my positivity challenge.

On this hot steamy summer day I'm grateful for AC at home, the ice in my coffee and my home office which has the best views one could ever ask for and in all seasons.

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