Ahhhh...nothing is as sweet as rounding this corner and seeing our sweet little Newfield farmhouse
after a week away from home.
after a week away from home.
We were greeted by three excited kitties who demanded first some crunchies (if you please) and then a few pets. Peter and Pippa are glad to see us but Lillie is working on her annoyance with a good-natured pout and will likely ignore us until it's time for dinner.
We'd planned to shun-pike our entire return trip but after a slow morning yesterday (it took four hours to travel 60 miles) we decided to head to Harrisburg, PA via I-81. Before taking to the big roads though we made it to Galax, VA and had one last barbecue lunch at Aunt Bea's. Dark skies, enormous flashes of lightening and tornado warnings seemed to be just ahead of us the entire day.
For me the pros almost always outweigh the cons when it comes to shun-piking.
Sure, we had a little of thisand thisand this.But when the guy holding the STOP sign came over and asked us to hold tight while he went to the porta-john we knew we were glad we'd come home this way.
The views were sweet
and sometimes a little odd.
The views were sweet
and sometimes a little odd.
We stopped here and shopped here, and enjoyed a lovely lunch from the general store. All in all, it was a most memorable, peaceful, fun and relaxing vacation and I'm happy to be back home.
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