Friday, May 13, 2011


Just because we knew this day was coming didn't mean it was going to be easy. It took 150 years to grow this magnificent tree. It cozied up to our house like an over protective parent and in fact it was a grand protector of sorts, both from the sun and the wind. It was home to numerous critters, birds and insects and was just so darn magnificent. In the end no amount of TLC could keep it from failing and today it came down limbby excruciating limb
until eventuallythe trunk fell with a huge thud
in one enormous piece.I swear I heard the house gasp when it hit the ground.

We're now in the process of trying to find a craftsman or two who will want the wood to turn into bowls. Turns out our maple is spalted.A happy accident from the unfortunate fungal infestation that was doing it in. The wood is beautiful and soft. If only my dad were alive to turn it into candle sticks or table legs. If only I could have it turned into a viola. If only...

We saved the wedge that felled it and will have the limbs cut for firewood. Our yard looks big and our house so exposed. An ancient Chinese proverb offers us some sage advice:
Best time to plant a tree? Twenty years ago.
Second best time to plant a tree? Today.

We'll get right on that.

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