I think it safe to say it is really and truly finally spring.
The sun is out, the birds are singing and everywhere you look all is green.
We took off at the screech of dawn on Saturday morning for another on-site auction deep in the rural hills of Pennsylvania.
The weather was perfect, the setting was idyllic and the buying was good. It was a great way to spend the day.
I bid but didn't win the Fiestaware
but did manage to score this weird and
wacky wire coat hanger thing-a-ma-jig.
wacky wire coat hanger thing-a-ma-jig.
After the auction we ventured out to the hills of Harford for our annual Green Day celebration and Maypole dance.
This year instead of a Green Man
we were visited by a Green Sprite!
Sparkle J, the Turbo cat was there
and was showing a little greening himself.
Sparkle J, the Turbo cat was there
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