Let the season begin! The on-site auction season that is. These out of the way, rural sales are my favorite. Yesterday we ventured two hours south to Jersey Shore, PA for a day of great buying, fabulous people watching and delicious food truck eating. The forecast predicted 60 for the high temp but we decided we wouldn't leave warmth and comfort to chance and instead suited ourselves head to toe in thermal underwear, fleece, hoodie and coat. Too bad one of us didn't realize it might be muddy...
The sale was held in the back yard of a decrepit old house.
We scored a spot under the tent and stayed gavel to gavel. Highlights of our haul include three AMAZING cased images (two daguerreotypes and an ambrotype), two beautiful photo albums FILLED with great photos and one of the best (and biggest) boxes of vintage linens I've gotten in a looooong time. We bid on a lot of furniture but prices were just a little to rich for our blood. I did however come home with a vintage beer cooler disguised as a single wash tub
and not one but TWO pairs of old moss covered concrete porch urns.Better get myself ironing and tagging...
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