Thursday, April 7, 2011


There is singing of all kinds going on in our neck of the woods these days. In fact the chorus from the creek is so loud it nearly drowns out the honking geese on their way back north. Soon these delightful early spring sounds will give way to the late spring sounds of the indigenous porch sitters - clinking of wine glasses, crunching of guacamole and chips and of course the sounds of enormous satisfying sighs relishing the wonder of this magical place. It's going to hit 70 on Monday. I'm not quite sure I'll know what to do with my middle aged pasty white self!

Now that the snow has melted along the sides of the roads it's easy to see just how bad we need a spring cleaning. There is all manner of stuff lying by the roadside but there is also some interesting litter. Take these for instance. How do you suppose a pair of shoes ends up in the ditch, lying so neatly side by side?

Or this single house key
How'd it find itself in this place?

I'm pretty sure this is the missing "9" from our mailbox...

Back at home our lilacs are ready to burst,
the rhubarb is ready to unfurl
and the trees appear to be gearing up for allergy season.
The vegetable garden is showing obvious signs of neglect from last fall but fortunately the asparagus doesn't hold a grudge and I expect we'll see those precious spears poking out of the ground in a few short weeks.

Yesterday we received the estimate for the removal of our maple. I can't even begin to imagine how bereft our house will look and feel after it's gone. We knew this was coming but like the death of a loved one, you're just never really prepared when it finally comes time.

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