The removal of our maple was postponed again this week. In the wake of the storm damage every tree service in town was called to the neighboring town of West Danby to help pick up the pieces and clear the roads and power lines. I certainly understand but now it's starting to get a little tricky for me.
This week the wind blew off any hint of that reddish brown color on the trees and now every shade of green you can imagine is apparent on the hills and in our woods.
The birds are so happy and relieved. Me too.
Last night I heard students from our String Quartet Seminar pour out their hearts in amazing performances of Beethoven. Six quartets, spanning his entire life heard at one sitting. What a feast! It was inspiring on so many levels. Later today it'll be Stravinsky's Rite of Spring followed immediately by that great Scottish singer Jean Redpath. I've wanted to hear her for years. Tomorrow we're off to auction and then on Monday it all begins again, only this time it's the final week of the term.
Soon there will be more time for this...