My own victories are nothing in comparison to landing on a speeding comet, but I have managed to make changes in the last couple of years that have resulted in a deeper, more sustained sense of peace and happiness. Quitting a job I hated, cutting out sugar all together and turning off the cable are a few of things that made a difference.
So why do I find myself in the thick of a miserable patch right now? It's easy to chalk it up to hormones but I know that's not it.
It's time to quit complaining.
I don't deal with stress by shopping or binge drinking. Instead I go on a complaint bender, and lately it's gotten the better of me. Venting only feels good for a minute or two. I think it's time to decide it's just not worth it anymore.
It's time to stop waiting for something to happen.
I'll be the first to admit that I have a tendency to make my own happiness contingent on some big life altering event - when I've lost the weight, when we've built the barn, when K retires. Enough already.
It's time to quit giving in to negative thoughts, jumping to conclusions and being a victim.
Oy veh. This is a biggy. I'll need more than luck to deal with this. Mindfulness practice is about the only thing that makes a dent in this toxic cycle.
It's time to get over caring what other folks think. I mean come on already...
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~ Dr. Seuss
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