Ritual and structure appeal to me. I am a Virgo after all. I like order and am disciplined in almost everything except my diet (which is why I'm overweight and was able to retire at 55). I follow the rules. This gets me in trouble more times than I care to admit and is the chief cause of every disappointment and unhappiness.
I am overly earnest and I mean well. I am learning to let go.
Here are the rituals I plan to steal
Take a Quarterly Vacation
Let's be honest here, since I retired money is tight around here. It'll be better once we start drawing on our hard-earned savings, but in the meantime it's pretty lean. We can't afford a traditional vacay every quarter. Instead I'd like to unplug from computers and phones for a day and take a drive. Sounds like a nice compromise to me.
Hold a "Retrospective" After Projects
This Virgo likes a good old fashioned plan. She likes bullets points and check lists. It would be good to sit down in the aftermath of projects for a post-mortem. What went well, what could've been better. I really like this ritual.
Write Every Day
I'm trying for this. Sometimes I write here on this blog, sometimes in another journal I started when I first realized I was burnt out and wanted to quit my job. Writing soothes my soul. It unravels the kinks. The more I do it, the better I feel.
Nap Every Day
This is a no brainer for me. Being sleep deprived is serious business. It affects my physical and emotional well-being. Napping is not a luxury.

and into the garden
out by the lake
into the woods
out on the patio
Just get out.
Here's what I'm adding to the list
Start the Day with Gratitude
When K and I aren't in a mad rush to get up and out the door we start the day by saying three things we're grateful for. When we do it, it grounds the day. When we don't, it's not pretty.
Morning Stretch
Right now I can't walk or hike or dance because of some stupid bone spurs BUT I can still stretch. Getting out of bed and on to the mat is a morning ritual worth doing.
Read Every Day
I haven't finished a book in I don't know how long. Some how I just can't rationalize sitting in a chair and reading, especially on a lovely day. I need to get over this and get reading.
Say No to the Drama
Yes, I'd like to make a ritual out of this.
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