Recently I had the closure I didn't know I needed in the form of a reception honoring this year's Ivory Tower retirees. It was lovely. There was nice wine, tasty snacks and lots of good people. I put on my big girl pants, went all by myself, and even managed to hold it together (although not without some significant hand-holding by my sweet friend C).
Now that it's over I can honestly say I'm really glad I went BUT it wasn't without its weirdness. In fact it was just a little too much like attending your own funeral. I'm glad I was there to hear all the sweet things folks said about my teaching, how they'll miss me, and how I influenced them way, way, way back in the day when they were students. I didn't know I needed that so thank you.
There were questions I expected..."So, are you at the shop like, all the time now?" and "OMG, when did you stop coloring your hair?". And some I didn't..."So how DO you fill your days?".
The folks who answer the question "How are you?" by reciting their resumes, still do and they still gossip about their colleagues who are standing only a few feet away. Several people confided that they wished they could leave too and that they thought I had decided exit just in knick of time. I didn't inquire why. I listened to one resume-reciter wax on and on about how busy she was this summer, how she was working the entire time and how difficult it is to "remain relevant" as a full professor. I'm not sure what that means exactly, but it certainly has me thinking after the fact.
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