Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow Day Project

I'm not good at being sick. Never have been. I've lost count of how long I've had this damn cold and today I moved firmly from miserable to pathetic. Damn thing has stayed lodged in my sinuses and chest and no amount of neti-pot, nasal mist, ginger tea with honey (ok, also with bourbon) and sudafed seems to affect it one bit. I give already. Uncle, I say...Uncle.

A couple of months ago I brought some chair cushions inside thinking that recovering them would make the perfect snow day project. They came with some sweet wicker chairs we bought back in September while we were on vacation.
What was I thinking? Sure, I can sew and I can make stuff without a pattern, but recovering chair cushions? Truthfully I'd rather iron linens or be subjected to country music all day long.

But then the most amazing thing happened. In a rare "this hardly ever happens to me" moment, I had the bright idea to see what was under the ugly fabric. What I found were custom covers, obviously made by a professional. In summery colors. With piping. And no stains. Okay, they're a just a tad bit dated and pastel and kinda, almost plaid, but anything and I do mean anything is better than what was on them when we bought them.

The icing on the cake? Discovering that the same lovely fabric was also under the hideous fabric someone had put on the back pads too. They even have ties and look to be in perfect condition. Now I say "look" because I still don't have my sense of smell back and for all I know they smell like cat pee or mold, but for now I'm declaring victory. Cue happy dance!

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