At our house this year we're welcoming the new year with a combination of contemplative and convivial rituals. A humble meal, music and the company of our dear friends. At midnight, we can count on Lucia to get up and open the back door to usher out the old year. She'll then go to the front door to welcome in the new. I love this simple ritual. We can also count on Phil and Terry to share a song or two, and next year at this time I plan to play along.

And now for the dreaded resolutions...I hate New Year's resolutions with a passion. I'll just put that right out there here and now. I've never had any luck sticking to them and they just serve to lower my self-confidence and inflame any guilt and self-loathing I've harbored over the years. But don't get me wrong, I do love a good fresh start and a chance to formally wipe the slate clean!

- When I show up, I'd like to pay attention more and not to be so bloody attached to the outcome
- I'd love to invest far more money in experiences as opposed to material things
Other key words for the year...
Take action
Follow through
Read more books
Pet the cats
Sit in silence
Elevate the ordinary
Tell the truth and above all...
Remember to relax, because the truth is time is on my side
Welcome 2012. I think I'm ready for you.
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