Sunday, November 13, 2011


Lately I find I'm constantly wishing for the perfect moment, the right amount of time, the ideal circumstance or whatever in order to get done what needs to be done. Rats...if only I had the day to... (fill in the blank: finish this chore, get better at this hobby, take time for my latest whimsy du jour, etc).

After wishing earlier today for a "walk in the woods, a nap in a sunbeam and some leisurely time spent in the kitchen cooking for the week" I ended up working. At least I was home in the daylight!! Actually today was one of my favorite kinds of low key days - part day off/part work day. The day off part meant I stayed in my pj's long after it was advisable (and fashionable). The work part of the day meant that I got all of the vintage Christmas linens pressed, measured and tagged. Oh yeah, and those really cool vintage Christmas lights I stashed all year? They've been tested and are ready to go and they work! Does it matter if I keep a few? Just wondering... To my utter delight and amazement I also discovered today that I tagged the Christmas ornaments back when I bought 'em LAST YEAR. Who knew I had such foresight. Now if someone would please invent a way to get an extra ten hours more into every day. It'll take at least a week of 34 hour days to empty out the garage and we really need to get the cars in there before the first proper snow...

Please promise you won't turn us into the hoarding show on TV...

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, that picture conjures up visions of two fully-packed booths at FOUND. Bring it on!
