Despite the oppressive heat we managed to have a delightful two days at this year's Grassroots Festival. 

August is just around the corner and like clock work I'm beginning to feel time and the calendar close in around me. Year after year I make every effort to get "caught up" at home before school begins and despite my best efforts school starts regardless. My catch up list is pretty long. Will I feel rested and ready by August 31st? Well we'll just have to wait and see about that.
Lately more than a few of our friends have asked us what we've been doing for fun lately. Enough have inquired that I wonder if they're not a little worried about us and this hectic life we're living. So this week we've got not one, not two, but THREE fun things planned! We'll see the new Harry Potter movie, catch the Horse Flies on the Commons and take in a new play at the Hangar Theater.
I hope to make time for some of this too...
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