The summer is just whizzing by. I desperately want it to slow down but I know the exact opposite will happen. Tomorrow is the day I send out emails to all my new incoming students - hard to believe I'm actually thinking about and getting ready for August. stomach just did a big old flip flop!
So far the summer has been so full. FOUND is taking up most of my available time and so is house related kinds of things. Sadly these things are the mundane kind - cleaning out the garage (AGAIN), purging closets, cleaning, organizing, etc. It doesn't look like we'll get to any of the big things on our list for this summer. Oh well, fall is a long season, and maybe there's still the possibility we'll get a new deck and open up that wall between the family room and the living room.
Every day I make a to-do list and on top of the list is "weed something". So far I'm pretty behind in this area but now that the hydrageas are out I just want to be out in the garden enjoying them.
The oak leaf hydrangea we got as a wedding present is loaded with flowers this year. Tomorrow I'll clip 5 or 6 blooms for Sandy to use in her sister's wedding flowers.
A brave and feisty little junco has taken up residence in the hanging fuschia basket on our porch. I only discovered her presence after I doused the plant (and her) with a big drink of water last week. Today I noticed there are going to be four more juncos in the neighborhood!
Tomorrow our towering white pine comes down.
Both stumps will get ground
and soon it'll be time to replant. I'll attempt to paint more outdoor furniture for the FOUND FLEA, try to get a little more organized inside and see if I can leave time to read and practice. I intend to spend a little quality time with the kitties and if all goes well,
I'll "weed something" too.
Here's to another day!
Here's to another day!
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