It was another outrageously busy week but the sun's been out and that makes everything all right by me. Spring is definitely in the air if for no other reason than we're all talking about how much we want it to be here now . Sunbeams are pouring already this morning and P is taking full advantage.
I'm still pretty sleepy but at least I'm doing my civic duty by drinking coffee from a proper mug...
Ken and I are off to auction for the day. Too bad someone sneaked in last night again while we were sleeping and filled our downstairs with furniture.
We've really got stop them from leaving their stuff here...
We picked up some lovely primitive farmhouse furniture on Friday and brought it straight to FOUND. As luck would have it one of the pieces sold Saturday afternoon. Woohoo! I love when that happens. Among our purchases was a simple china cabinet with glass sides and fronts.
It'll get a fresh coat of white paint and live in our dining room as a new home for my Fiestaware.
My best purchase of the week - a viola which is small enough for me to play comfortably.
A bow rehair and a new bridge and I'll be all set!
Week IX of the semester is just about to begin. Once we get over the hump of Week X then the pace really starts to zoom forward. I am continually amazed and inspired at my students. Their resiliency and resourcefulness keeps me inspired in my teaching and in my life in general. It's been especially wonderful to see them have so many affirming successes this past week.
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