The sun is warm and the air is cool.
I can smell the faint scent of wood stove smoke on the breeze.
Tonight widespread frost is predicted. My timing is fortunate.
I can smell the faint scent of wood stove smoke on the breeze.
Tonight widespread frost is predicted. My timing is fortunate.
We had a fair amount of wind and rain earlier this
week and it knocked off many of the colorful leaves prematurely.
Still the show is totally inspiring and I couldn't venture into winter
without experiencing this transition.
This small tree toppled over in the last wind and rain storm.
At least we think that's when it happened. We're not quite sure...
It missed our little barn by inches.
week and it knocked off many of the colorful leaves prematurely.
without experiencing this transition.
This small tree toppled over in the last wind and rain storm.
It missed our little barn by inches.
The woods are incredibly noisy today.
From the sound of the chipmunk chorus I am
most definitely an unwelcome presence.
most definitely an unwelcome presence.
The 150 year old sugar maple that anchors our house
is putting on quite a show this year.
is putting on quite a show this year.
and the trees almost seem to be enjoying the breeze.
Fabulous images!