Sunday, October 31, 2010


We enjoyed a lovely jaunt this weekend over to Hammondsport. It was nice to amble across scenic two lane roads on a blustery autumn day and be away from home where an endless list of tasks always seems to lurk.

We poked in antique and gift shops and had malted milk shakes the size of our heads for lunch.
Why I even saw an angel sprint to her car for a quick Hallowe'en get-away.
Eventually made it to the Glenn H. Curtiss Museum. Besides the wineries, Glenn H. Curtiss seems seems to be
Hammondsport's main claim to fame.

The museum contains an array of planes, boats, trains, cars,and other things that go vaarrooooom.
Ken was in heaven and I enjoyed myself as well.

Some day I must have my very own Curtiss travel trailer complete with all the modern conveniences.

The museum also has things of interest to the ladies including
one of the largest and most elaborate hair wreaths I've ever seen.

And then there was this...the Health Jolting chair!
Sounds like an implement of torture to me.
So glad to live in the modern world...

Childhood memories of my dad flooded back on this day as we took in the
antique cars and the beautiful old wooden boats. I loved the restoration shop too. My dad would've loved this place. Seemed a fitting way to honor him this week. He would have 85 on the 29th. Happy Birthday Dad.
I miss you every day.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hold On

It was one of those glorious Indian Summer days in the Finger Lakes - clear blue sky, warm sunshine, temps in the 70's! I'm glad the storms predicted for last night did not strip the trees.

There is less color for sure, but the view is still lovely!

I had an afternoon errand which took me to the northeast part of town
and on the way home I stopped at the Farmer's Market to visit the lake.
It is beautiful at all times of the year but especially now.
The birds have a fine feast in the form of these wonderful trees.
Don't know what they are but don't they look scrumptuous?
The lake is so inviting in the sun.
I caught a pair of ducks having an afternoon snooze
on an old gnarly willow branch.

If the forecast is correct we'll barely make it into the 50's tomorrow.
I don't have much faith in forecasts these days
but I'll hold on to this last glimpse of summer anyway.

This is autumn.

We all know what's coming.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Strong winds and heavy rain are predicted overnight.
That can mean only one thing...

the last of the leaves will likely fall tonight.

at least we had October roses.
Time to take the wicker off the front porch,

and bring wood in from the garage.

Time to get out the lap blankets and the flannel sheets.
Time to buy a nice bottle of port and settle in.

Monday, October 25, 2010


There's a seasonal road near us that links our house to the highway. It's unmaintained in the winter so from November through May it's virtually impassable. The road hugs a steep mossy hill on one side and falls off into a cavernous gorge on the other.

From our house the ride is completely down hill.

At the bottom of the hill is large stone house. The first time I ventured down this road I stared amazed for some time. The structure was once used a dance hall for the Finns who settled this area long ago.
Just beyond a small rickety bridge
crosses a rock strewn creek.

This is the view looking back from the other side.

This time of yearyou can see well into the bones of the forest.

It is magical,

and healing.