Sunday, September 19, 2010

Medford Leas

We made a quick trip down to Medford, NJ on Friday and Saturday to visit with Ken's dad Howard. It was great to see him and two of Ken's sisters - Kathy and Barb.

Howard's heart might be weak but his spirit and his smile are strong.
We spent time with him in his room visiting and chatting about this and that.
While we were there Ken revived Howard's computer and I tried my hand at reviving his plants.
Looks like the geraniums will make it. Not so sure about the hostas...

After a while we decided it was just too nice a day to stay indoors
so we rounded up the nearest wheel chair and headed outside.
There are many modes of transportation around Medford Leas

but it seems the electric cart is the preferred vehicle.
It is just beginning to feel like fall in Medford. The sun is warm and the air is cool. On our walk we saw areas of the Medford Leas campus I'd not been to before. Much of the campus is a made up of a series of lovely small apartment groupings, each surrounding an intimate courtyard.

The neighborhoods are inviting and welcoming.
After a while I noticed several of these signs.There are days I think I need one of these on my door.

Each grouping of dwellings has its own personality.
Some had courtyards planted with herbs and flowers, others had a full blown zen garden theme going on, complete with koi pond
flowering water lillies,
and statuary.

There is obviously a great deal of garden pride!
We'll be back to see you soon Howard!

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