Oy veh...
I'm not sure how it got to be August but like it or not, it's here. Now that we're in the thick of renovation for FOUND, time is speeding forward at an even quicker pace than usual. The renovation is formidable but the daily progress is astounding these days. Last night after a very long day spent priming the walls we stopped off at the center of the universe (Wegmans - only a block from FOUND!) and picked up two rib eyes and two limes. Sounds like dinner doesn't it?!
After I scrubbed the Kilz out from under my nails and in my nose,
we feasted on steak, potato salad and of course gin and tonics
the size of our heads (of course).
we feasted on steak, potato salad and of course gin and tonics
Pre-dinner festivities began with guacamole and chips,
but we're not talking any ordinary guacamole,
we're talking Deb's Best Guacamole.
Okay, if you insist...
we're talking Deb's Best Guacamole.
Okay, if you insist...
Deb's Best Guac
1 nice squishy (but not too squishy) ripe avocado
Juice of half a lime
Two small garlic cloves
Big pinch of kosher salt
Two or three good sprinkles of chipotle powder (to taste)
1/2 - 1 tsp ground cumin
Extra virgin olive oil (the fruitier the better as far as I'm concerned)
I like my guac creamy so I use a food processor. Place avocado, garlic, lime and salt in the bowl and process the heck out of it. Add in spices and process until blended. Drizzle in the olive oil until the consistency is the way you like it (I'm guessing I use between 1 and 2 tbs). Usually I pour some good bottled salsa into a bowl (I like Amy's Organic) and then plop a big mound of the green stuff right on top. Last night we had some ripe Sungold cherry tomatoes all ready to pick so I halved them around the rim instead.
We spent the day at auction today trying to buy for our new booth space in FOUND. We'll have twice as much space there and as of now, we have about half the stuff we need to fill it. It turned out to be a pretty fruitful day for us today. We bought chairs, smalls, frames, photos, more frames, and a cool shooting target with ITHACA embossed on it (I want desperately to keep this item). Did I mention chairs? We bought chairs...
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