We went to the annual meeting of the Newfield Historical Society last night and heard all about the noteworthy women of Newfield - farmer's wives, household servants, school teachers, milliners and even a famous opera singer. It was fascinating and inspiring. Who new that Newfield was once home to seven millinery shops, most run or staffed by women? Or that the land just down the road from us was farmed for 33 years by a widow with many children. She eventually passed the farm on to her eldest daughter who continued to tend the land for some time. Hardy stock they were back then.
I got a kick out seeing the rules for teachers in Newfield.

I'd be in trouble for sure.
They had some interesting recipes and home remedies from
the 1876 journal of farm wife Matilda Stamp Crawford.

Perhaps in 3010 someone will happen on my blog
and think they should try out a few of my own concoctions.
It was twilight when we got home but light enough to get a few photos,

Isn't the rhododendron just amazing this year?
We'll have poppies any day now

and the peonies are right behind them.
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