It's November!
The sun is out, the weather is warm and our house is falling apart. Water is leaking from the boiler and the shower drain upstairs. All of a sudden we're a little too familiar with the insides of the walls. There are great handhewn beams in places we never expected. Old square nails and plaster lath, too. There is also mold and a lot of it. Oh well. Chalk it up to age. 150 years old this year. In some ways it's a miracle more doesn't go wrong...but let's not dwell on that right now.
The sugar maple that was on the property when I moved here was here was alive when the house was built. It didn't fare so well, succumbing to rot and critters more than a five years ago.
A couple of years ago an oak seeding, long buried by a virtuous squirrel, sprouted up in its place. It's a tad too close to the house, but it's too big to move now. Guess we'll keep it.
More than ever I am grateful to be right here, right now. Working from this sweet home, growing the business we love. Tired. Yes, I'm tired. But happy.
Content and ever thankful.