Friday, July 24, 2015

Away from my desk...

Moments from now a grand new adventure begins. At 3:30 EST K is officially on sabbatical from his corporate job for SEVEN WEEKS! 

What an amazing gift. And the best thing? He doesn't have to complete a research project or pretend to look busy while he's away from his desk. This leave is all about resting, recharging and refocusing. He deserves it many times over.   
Here's to new found freedom and space to breathe!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

So Sensible

I am walking and that is all that matters right now. PT is rigorous but doable, though I'm always surprised how exhausted and sore I am by the time I get home. I need to be more religious with my exercises. I know that. I need to reign in the chocolate consumption and get on with the business of getting back in shape. I know that too. 

The doc says it's time to by a new pair of shoes and they must be sneakers. Ugh. I am not a sneaker girl. Never have been. Was thinking of something a little cuter. Something light and airy, easy to slip in and out of, without laces or velcro. Maybe something in red. So hoping I can find something that doesn't look like Aunt Edna's carefully chosen and oh so sensible orthopedic lovelies. 

Here's the PW Minor "Leisure DX2" Strap. The ad says it's a women's stylish orthopedic shoe.

Heaven help me...

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Last night I dreamed I was walking completely free of cast, boot, walker, scooter or other device. 
And the best part was how cute my shoes were. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015


It's a lovely, lazy summer Sunday and so far the only productive thing I've done today is to get in the car and ride to our sweet little local diner. They know us there. We never need menus. The mailman is in the kitchen on Sundays and he's one of the only short order cooks I who know who makes eggs over medium just the way I like 'em. 

It's day of simple pleasures. Sleeping 'til 8, watching Jesse watch the birds, playing ball with James, enjoying the breeze and drinking coffee with a dear friend who popped by on her morning walk. We're spinning big dreams, making plans and moving our little world closer to where we want to be. Peaceful.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Dancing Shoes

I've graduated to the cane!
I'll be back out on the dance floor before you know it!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Every Day

Learning to pace...

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Shuffle & Hoist

Seems every day now there is another first  to celebrate. 

Yesterday I shuffled on out to the car, folded up the walker and hoisted it into the car all by myself and drove K to the post office.

A small event for sure, but starting to look an awful lot like normal.

First  PT session today.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


There are really only two choices. Love or Fear.
Take a risk, set clear intentions, ask and receive. 

Monday, July 6, 2015


And BOOM! Just like that, I have access to the vegetable garden,
So much Summer still left to enjoy!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Independence Day

I made my first trip out to the front porch by myself without assistance...

and I'm sitting and sobbing because that's what I do these days it seems. 

Tears of relief that I made it and didn't fall, tears of pride that I made it this far and didn't give up, tears of joy so profound I never want to forget how this feels and yet I can't wait to put it all behind me, move on and forget the whole bloody thing. Happy Independence Day to me.

Friday, July 3, 2015


The cast is off and in its place is a walking boot. 

I gotta say, I am totally rocking the one-legged Storm Trooper look these days and I'm sure I could compete admirably as a gladiator if I only had another one to match.

With the boot comes change and with change comes set back...or so it seems.

The boot weighs a bloody ton. It gouges into my shin when I'm on the knee scooter. The toe end extends so far out from the end that I'm not sure where I end and it begins. It rubs on the damn incision and makes it bleed. Enough with the pain, already!

Still, I am not dismayed. NO FREAKING WAY. Not for one minute. Not after six long weeks of figuring out how to live a meaningful life on one foot!

My solution? I dispensed with the giant cumbersome shin plate, threw it in the corner, strapped myself back in and promptly set out for the front porch with the walker. As soon as I sat down I began to sob uncontrollably. It was the first time I'd been out on the porch since the evening of May 17th. It's been a long time since I knew such joy. 

With change comes PROGRESS. Bring it on.