Monday, April 27, 2015


We are in the mad scramble to be ready for the May FLEA and it is compounded this year by the fact that I'll be on crutches for six weeks starting May 18th...the day after. 

It's a little like Groundhog Day this whole FLEA prep thing and after doing it now for four years I see there are a few things I can always count on.
  • That box I've been searching for for months will be located in the first few minutes and by the end of the day it will be lost again.
  • We will always have enough stuff for the first FLEA...and the second and third and sixth.
  • The barn we're supposedly building needs to be at least as big as our garage and maybe even double or triple. There's definitely room for it.

And lastly...
  • That pile of pieces and parts that seemed worth saving last Fall looks an awful lot like scrap metal in May.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Kindness Matters

Kindness matters. 
Next time, think twice before you launch that jab in to the heart of someone else’s pain. Stop yourself before you start gossiping. Please just be kind. Because it matters.


Made time for a coffee break, a stroll outside with the camera and sitting down to write. 

This is progress. 

It is another day of big dreams, conversations about those dreams and talk of not letting the turkeys get you down. 

Truthfully, I wish those turkeys would just go away.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Rhubarb, daffodils and crocus all up and looking fine! There is nothing more inspiring than the rebirth of Spring. And with it this year, my resolve to live a more peaceful life. 

Friday, April 10, 2015


Spring is almost here. I can smell it now.  Her labor has been a long and difficult one and I'm hoping this bodes well for a long and leisurely season. 

The last four or five weeks have really kicked my butt. Not a complaint, just a point of fact.  I've had to rely on folks much more than I like to and have been deeply humbled by those whose struggles and victories have been truly monumental. 

I feel a shift coming on and it's not just the weather.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

New Neighbors

Our robins have been perusing real estate all week. 
This morning they signed a lease on a new home in the arborvitae just across from the kitchen window. Thankfully the apartments on the front porch were deemed a little too close to those pesky neighbors!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

We awoke to a new blanket of fresh wet snow this Easter morning. 
 Mother Nature is determined to teach us patience.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


I never knew how much I complained until I tried to stop.