Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015


Happy to see the sun today, but sad that it's snowing. 
Trying to be content with it all

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I may not always look it, but this one thing I know.
I am strong.


We're back to winter as we knew we'd be. March is such a tease. 
Back to slow roasting meat, making day-long soups and wearing socks. Back to keeping the chin up and trying to elevate the spirit. Spring's labor is intense this year.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pi Day

It's Pi Day! We celebrated by spending a fabulous day at FOUND and topped it off with a splurge from Thai Express. My feet are on ice, the wine is poured and Lillie's purring contentedly at my side. I'm ready to call it a night, but Ken's upstairs babysitting a big deployment as I type...and I thought musicians had wacky hours. Geeze. What kind of software engineer sits at his computer at 11pm on a Saturday making sure everything goes smoothly? Evidently his entire team! Here's hoping all goes as planned and his workday ends before midnight.
He's earned that sabbatical that's for sure.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Delivery Day

The temps are rising and the snow is beginning to melt. And underneath it? The most delicious sodden green grass. Yeah, it looks a little worse for the wear but I am always amazed to see it. 

Today is James' favorite kind of day - Delivery Day! 
We're making room for a huge shipment of merchandise for our new venture Marmalade Mercantile. It's been so affirming to see how our little shop has grown in such a short time. Soon it'll be Spring and I can't help myself, I'm wondering what's next for us on the horizon. 
 Thinking, dreaming, asking, receiving.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Today I choose to focus on this!