
The garden's been located and excavated, and has produced asparagus and strawberries, poppies, lilacs and peonies. Hydrangea, tomatoes, baby robins, wrens and bunnies are are here now.
It's finally summer...
We've been reacquainting ourselves with the sweet house we live in. Since we last looked we found that the clapboards covering our chimney were rotted and discovered that the groundhogs never actually left, they just moved to the other side of the yard. Our gutters still don't work and there is mold growing on the garage doors. We still can't get either car in the garage but we're used to that now. There is much to be done but there is time to do it now.
I am on leave from the ivory tower for a full year. I have taken off my professor hat and stored it in a corner of the coat closet. I have never been happier.
All's well here.