- Propane filled, water on hand - check, snacks and wine - double check!!
- Candles, flashlights, batteries and portable radio - set out and ready to go.
- Laundry and dishes are done ahead of the impending power outage (no power = no water), coolers are in the house, extra ice is in the freezer. We are READY!
Aren't I just the girl scoutiest girl scout you've ever known?
Fortunately for us the big storm never really came. Yeah, we had some big winds and lots of rain, but it was nothing compared to the beating the folks in NYC, NJ and CT received.
In our neck of the woods we are safe and sound.
Note to self for next big storm: FOUND should definitely stock lamp oil and maybe a few generators and cases of bottled water too. Oh, and homemade gluten-free baked goods are not worth the work. Just sayin'...