Sunday, January 22, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
I Declare
Heating pad, blankets and pillows:
All put back in their rightful spots
Just about to get hooked back up to the monitor in my office upstairs
Thursday, January 19, 2012
We are all in this together. So when you realize that you’re talking to yourself, label it “thinking” and notice your tone of voice. Let it be compassionate and gentle and humorous. Then you’ll be changing old stuck patterns that are shared by the whole human race. Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves.
Thank you Pema.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Moving Right Along
Good thing we opted to cook pasta for dinner tonight...

Gonna be a three cat night for sure.
Pippa was an enormous help with course prep today,

when she wasn't busy trying to convince K that she needed more crunchies...

Healing is continuing right on schedule. My energy is still a little sub-par but it's only been ten days so I'm willing to cut myself a little break.
It gets a little better each day.
I have no pain.
It is truly amazing.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Snow Day

Ken eventually wrangled it open and our friend Jen shoveled the walks and the patio. My contributions came from the kitchen...homemade hot cocoa and turkey soup.
Pippa provided us with plenty of entertainment and after wearing her out with her favorite twist tie game, she was finally ready for her close up.

I love snow days.

Thursday, January 12, 2012
One Week Ago
One week ago: worried, scared, ready or not...
One week ago: wake up, get up, walk the ward, sleep like there's no tomorrow...
One week ago...
Here's to having it all behind me. Ahhhhhhh, I am still sighing in relief. I even felt energetic enough today to clear five huge loads of laundry from the laundry room floor, fold them and put 'em all away. Never mind the part about needing a nap after ward. I'm just proud I accomplished something more physical than scooping hard sorbet out of a pint container.
Tomorrow there'll be a trip into town and a visit to FOUND. It's been over a week.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Isn't it still winter?
Since it was 50 degrees today, there's only a hint of winter left to see
A former goldenrod,
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
- We get a gazillion channels. Seriously. I had now idea just how many until today.
- The variety of programming out there is staggering.
Here are a few shows I discovered today:
TLC ~ I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant: Freak show...need I say more?
MTV ~ 16 and Pregnant: Now here's a dilemma. They run this show at the very same time as "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant". What to do, what to do...
EWTN ~ The Holy Rosary with Mother Angelica: Riveting (if you're in a coma)
A&E ~ Storage Wars I'd love to like this show, but it's just too ridiculous for words. Their JibJab video on the other hand is definitely worth a watch.
TRUTV ~ Joren Van der Sloot: the Murder Trial/Casey Anthony's youtube video diaries: Suddenly CSPAN2 is starting to look good...
Next One Network: If you're a cowboy this channel's for you, especially the show "The Weekend Cutter".
Game Show Channel: The reruns are so old it's just like being home sick during junior high school days...wonder if Bewitched is on somewhere?
And these are just the highlights. There is so much out there and all of it appears to have its own show or better yet, its own dedicated channel...Golf. Fishing. Pidgeon shooting. I Shouldn't be Alive. Sea Turtle Odessey. FOX Soccer Report. Exorcism (on Planet Green no less). I Didn't Know I was Stupid (okay I made this one up, but maybe I should pitch it to A&E - you never know).
On the bright side, there is some hope out there at the outer ends of the dial. Today I found some interesting shows to watch on the SUNDANCE Channel on OVATION on BBC and on the Cooking Channel (a nice change from the FOOD Network and all those inane cooking competitions). The doc says I can drive, so tomorrow I'm determined to get out of the house.
There must be an errand that needs running...
Monday, January 9, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Feet Up
Peter has taken over as main nurse cat on duty.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
who has designated herself in charge of all Nurse Cat duties.

Friday, January 6, 2012
I am home and settled now, and so grateful to be back in familiar surroundings. I've been sniffed and roundly remarked by all three kitties, fed a sumptuous pasta lunch cooked by my sweetie and even had chocolate pudding for dessert. This soft diet won't do anything for my waistline but it gets high marks in my book for comfort. I've got the most recent DWELL and Country Living magazines, a cup of tea and the most delicious sunshine streaming in through the windows. There is only peace and quiet here. No beeping machines, no needles, no more sleep interruptions to take vitals. Thank goodness. I'm glad to be on the other side of all of this and ready to move on, bed hair and all...